Abhishek Maurya

Abhishek Maurya

Sunday, September 26, 2010

True lovers always love true beauty!!!!!

Many writers and poet from all over the world,told about the true beauty. Some of few wrote many books and some of those wrote lines by lines....I read one of the famous pote lines,"True Beauty" By Thomas Crew. And these lines are superior also when these lines are told by the hottest and prettyist,or in my school it is also famous for that teacher,"Miss sweetberry!!!". Those who are from the sacred heart understand my feelings.Ya I am writing about my pinkish teacher. But I have a different attitude for all writers and poets.
                                              Everyone Told about the true beauty and in moral everyone has common lines that In age this beauty vanishes,and second famous line that see the inner beauty.. But no one told that How to judge the true beauty!!. How should I know that the person whom I loved,has true beauty? This is a best question for each and every lover. And it is also a good question of generation lover who are searching for the true love..
                                           In the college days lovers wind is flowing so sweetly,that everyone want one girl whom they loved. But how many are in the relationship is continue after cllege life? If we surceyed this policy then only 1-2 % are successful,and what they deeds in their relationship.It is well known to us. And in those time it is good for them.
                                            But why they don't continue their relationship? And I'm  so hurt that because of them some true love relationship don't want to fall in love truly. But I am sure that True lovers always love true beauty. But how can we judge? This is tried by me. Ask whether it is our crush our true love.
                                   This is answered by only one answer,Can you imagine to live with her till you died.And do want to thar girl is the mother of your chid? Is she is the better option of your wife?Is it the best mother for your child? And most important question Is the better daughter-in -law of your parents? And if these are true. Then your relationship is in true relationship,and in the future You have no problem. 
                                                       But the fact is that How we judge the person that he/she is write for us.?I have a crush for her or not. This is only by one experiment that I tried with me. Don't be in relationship as long as possible. I tried this for 6 months,I don't talk a single word to her.and in this mean time,there are many girls coming around me,and I am talking to them  as nice as I can. Always try to forget the person whom you loved most.And if you are successful in this attempt,then congrats you are in crush and you don't love the true beauty,and If you fail in these attempt,and you don't want any girl except her,then You loved true beauty. I know this is a false wxperimwnt but if you follow with a real heart,then you got succceded. 
                                                       Always ask a single queston to your heart," Do you want that girl as life partner? Can she is the one who is always stand beside you when you fallen from the moral pressure? Can she is the right ine who always takes care for you? " These are the simpler question as in seen,but there meaning is so tough that only undersand by that person who ask these question to his heart honestly. And I asked these question and I got the answer from my heart that Yes she is the that girl who always cares for me,she is the right mother and caring mother of my child,And she is dedicated to me after marriage....
                                            So thats why I love her.And I'm successful in my attempt that I have no crush for her,because she is so the prettist girl for me in the world,and I congratulated me that I don't love her lovely cheeks,I don't love her the face of her,And I don't love her the pinkish lips,I don't love the sweet smile,I don't love the beautify eyes of her," don't love the lovely face.I only love the girl as my future wife.I love the mother of my future childs,and this is in my hand  to show my love to her as a responsibilty to my wife. 
                                                     And I thank to GOD that she give me the feeling to judge that I love true beauty of my love not the false looking of my love..........Thanx GOD again that I love true beauty which is forever in my love.......And I proved the line that TRUE LOVERS ALWAYS LOVE TRUE BEAUTY!!!!!!   

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