Abhishek Maurya

Abhishek Maurya

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


I am wandering and when I am seeing the other side of the world and the biggest wave which is surrounding presently as the Politocracy ( the political wave ) in which everyone forgets about the deeds of todays' work, everyone is only thinking of one thing that who will be our next PM, either the famous NaMo, Rahul Baba, Kejriwal or a next Third Front. But in this dilemma we generally forget the surroundings. In this hurry the things which surrounds, Because of which only sustains our lives are collapsing wholly.
                                      I have read some articles somewhere, and they have a report on POSCO plant at Odhisha, TEESTA project at Sikkim, LAKHAWAR Project at Uttarakhand.
Nobody is seeing the logical importance of sustainable development. Nobody in this crucial condition of  Politocracy  think for a new dimension .
                             As a recent example that One minister form USA is coming to our country to discusss a major platform for Investment  in India  but our policy frameworker denied them, that they has great stress on Election. So this meeting was postponed.
                             But I have a question, Does they have not to boycott the Social responsibility  to deliver this meeting as possible as they can solve the Economic problems. Let leave this problem also that they have no time for this meetings, that Elections are coming but, they also appoint the New committee, also they have a power to appoint the secretary to deal in these matters. But it can’t be done on their hand.
                   So I would suggest them that Think more above the level of Politics framework. I learned a famous line that, Everybody responsibility is his owns responsibility.  So I also want to suggest our policy makers that don’t make manifestos for the party elections, atleast make some policies by which you are ell known to this society. I liked a famous line of one minister ( I forget his name) as,  Every Minister is the PM of his own ministry. So why they don’t take the responsibility of their ministry.
                                      Some Major problems in our framework also lie in the policies as some inter-disciplinary department is co-related with different-different ministries like The Waste- Land is under the department of Land Resource ( DoLR) ,  once it is under the MoEF. But when DoLR has also want to play a role in Rainfed Areas, it can’t do because it seems to be under the Planning Commission. I don’t want to say on any department in which ministry either, but I want to give a note to policy maker that Play a medium role by which every ministry performs best as it can’t felt that it would lie under the other ministry and find a middle solution by which it can’t go to the slow development.
                             And things in mind is always that takes a decision but the regulator’s role also becomes a vital role in promoting a democratic form of development where local communities are made stakeholders in a project of development and this vital concerns of livelihood are not ignored.
                             Even if the Supreme Court on Jan. 6 directed the Center to appoint a National Regulator by March  for :
1-    Appraising Projects,
2-    Enforcing Environmental Conditions for approvals,
3-    Imposing Penalties on polluters.
While the new authority may appear to enjoy autonomy from Extraneous pressure, the concern that such a body may functions outside the public sphere of Influence, and therefore , be less democratic on its form and method, with decisions being taken by a few selected Experts who are not accountable , also appear genuine.

                                      Let see what does they play a role but we should have a social responsibility to play a vital role in every matter around us…

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