Life is a very meaningful and very beautiful word. But without understanding this beautiful word or I can say that without overcoming the challenges in this life, we can passed our life without any agenda. We just passed this life without any motive. But Life is a chance to create it a meaningful manner. You are living a life of a Brahma for one age in which you have a power to create the age of 60-80 years in your own way. You are the supreme God. But How? This is the tough question.
Everybody is saying that life is a miserable one and everybody has to die one day. Then what is the importance of living this in a beautiful manner. I suggest to them that this world is garden, and if the flowers in your small garden gives the bad odour, then it reflects and attracts the surroundings. Same is with your case also. So be your own and being in your responsibility, you have to garden your garden with beautiful flowers and enjoy the life with beautiful fragrance.
Life is to create the surroundings in your own way. What do you want and what you seek from this. Just pretend and just feel that in the same manner as what do you want, and the surroundings will reflect it in your own way. Life is simply like a mirror. It follows the law of reflection. What you want to see in the image of others, make your own as the object of the same.
There is also a concept that everybody is confuse about their death itself. They have saying that if you have to die one day and die in a surprise way, then what is the ultimate goal of creating this as beautiful as it can. Then I have two statement. One is that it would be beautiful for the genes which you are left behind after death. And Second statement in which I have a firm belief that One person is born with the counted births. It is totally depended upon the person that how he lives his life. If he lives his life in a manner way, then he has no scope of any diseases and he lives with his whole life as beautiful as he can. But persons without the manner got the diseases of Asthma, Blood Pressure, etc. and they passed their births as fast as their heart beats, and their breaths got decreased gradually and they got collapsed in the mean time as they collapsed their counted births. Living a life is totally depended upon you and how you create it and how you survive in this life, it is totally depended upon you.
In the end, I have a firm believe on the creating the universe with your own hand. With your thoughts and with your firm beliefness about this beautiful world, You have the power to change this world with your own hands. You are the creator and it is depended upon you that who you want to create this world. And I know you want to create this world as beautiful as you can!!!!